I’ll be brief: I’m leaving Substack.
I laid out my concerns with how Substack was handling extremist content multiple times, most recently in December when Substack leadership published an extremely mealymouthed response to a bunch of writers who were concerned that Nazis were making money on this platform.
Since then, Casey Newton’s Platformer newsletter—one of the first professional publications to really cultivate an audience on this platform—continued to challenge Substack leadership on writers’ concerns, laying out for them why making money from Nazi content is bad. It seemed like Substack had changed its tune when it relented and removed a few publications, but in truth it misled Platformer, its readers, and everyone who cared about this issue. It made matters worse by leaking information about Platformer’s conversations with Substack leadership to a publication that Casey charitably describes as “friendlier” (I will happily describe them as conspiracy theory grifters). Ultimately, Substack hasn’t really changed much about how or if they’re moderating Nazi content. Platformer published a characteristically great piece explaining the saga; you should read it. After reading it, I decided it was time to look for a new home for my newsletter in earnest.
My newsletter is free, and for the foreseeable future, I have no plans to change that. I have never benefited very much from Substack’s self-described “engine of culture.” This is just a place for me to put writing that otherwise would not have a home. I do not need what Substack offers, particularly if it means I’m tacitly supporting an infrastructure that supports and profits from extremism. I know this is not a loss for Substack, and I’m sure some people on this platform will even celebrate my migration. They can make whatever jokes they like. I’m not doing this to “show them” anything. I’ll just sleep better at night having consciously decoupled my writing and brand from this platform. (Have they bought stock in Ambien?)
I spent the last few weeks redesigning my website (ninajankowicz.com), migrating it to Squarespace, and setting up a newsletter platform there. If you are already a subscriber here, your subscription will automatically move to the new platform. Just like on Substack, my writing will be delivered straight to your inbox with an archive online (I’m working on moving my Substack archive there over the next few weeks). And then this Substack will cease to exist. ✌️
I appreciate your support over the years as I’ve ping ponged around the internet. See you on my sleek new website.
I'll follow you there. Full disclosure -- I'm staying on Substack because I don't want to build a new community (also I haven't been targeted) but I will support your new effort!
"Ultimately, Substack hasn’t really changed much about how or if they’re moderating Nazi content."
What "Nazi content"? You've provided no examples! Whatever.
Substack is currently NOT censoring discourse about the most powerful hidden truth:
There is no such thing as "contagious disease" and "viruses" do NOT exist.
The elites who are pushing the Great Reset must keep the medical establishment in tact in order to stay in control. (There's also about $10 Trillion/year in "profits" that are stake for them).
As opposed to other important problems like child trafficking, the federal reserve, or the military industrial complex, humanity can easily enact real and effective solutions to stop "germ theory" in it's tracks:
1. Stop taking ALL vaccinations.
2. Stop using the medical system altogether.
(Aside from injuries, poisonings or other emergency care).
3. Stop being afraid of each other!
Nina, you should really look into this most powerful hidden truth. You'll never be the same once you understand that "viruses" don't exist.
I'm surprised and grateful that allowing other free thinkers to comment freely on your Substack.